Visuals appealing, non-appealing, attractive, ugly, bright, dull, colorful, black and white impact a person in various ways. Time and again, history has proven that visuals are and always will be an important component in one’s life.
The first video explains how movies were the ultimate medium for magic, with complete control of everything the audience can see. Giambattista della porta, worked with the principles of illusion (assumption, presumption, context in reality) to understand how to attract the audience visually. An image does not only show but also makes you believe.
Georges Méliès, who was the inspiration behind the movie 'hugo' was one of the first to realize how visual effect could sway people. His movie trip to the moon is till date considered a piece of fine art and design. Conversely, visual effect has improved drastically during the past years, all thanks to the ever growing technology. Visual effects are all about how you manipulate another person and create illusions.
Wall-e, has been and always will be one of my favorite movies, for the reason that it has an interesting emotional impact as well as it really gets your attention visually.
Whereas the visuals are concerned, design is another very significant aspect. Principles of design (Balance, Proportion, Rhythm, Emphasis, Unity) play an important role in a visual and how that visual is being perceived or interpreted.
In the second video by Jacek Utko, explained how introducing design in a product could not only increase the appeal but also the productivity. He explains how an artistic approach made sure it was more attractive and how the spread sheet design made it a good design. Also, he introduced an architectural rule, function and form into the content and design of the newspaper. And also I completely agree that the design could save the newspaper, it could not only make it more interesting but also much more informative.
In another video by Don Norman, which explains how a good design which is visually appealing can make a person emotionally happy, where as a good design which isn’t so attractive can distress a person. A good design is functional yet delightful and our mind still doesn’t register it consciously but subconsciously. He says, if you are happy things work better, hence if a design delights you visually it would work better.
According to me, he basically explained the relationship between emotions and creativity.
I believe a good design can impact a person subconsciously, and make the product more efficient however; I do have a doubt about how an appealing yet inefficient design could still please the users in the long run.
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